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KURY Radio Brookings Big Deals Store

Lunch Certificate - Chetco Activity Center

Retail Value:
Your Price:
$32.00 (80%)

In Stock

Note: You will receive 4 certificates with a value of $10.00 each.


The Chetco Activity Center has a lovely dining room with a view of the ocean. The meals are delicious and include a main course, assorted salads, coffee, tea or milk and dessert. A monthly menu calendar is available online at chetcoac.org
Located right behind the Subway store in north Brookings.

Lunch Hours: Monday through Friday- 11:00 to 12:15. It cost $10 to prepare each meal and that is the suggested donation they ask. This offer is a  great Big Deal! Don't pass it up.


Each coupon good for one lunch. Lunch served Monday through Friday 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. Please use within 6 months of certificate date.

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Chetco Activity Center

Chetco Activity Center

550 Chetco Ave.
Brookings, OR 97415
(541) 469-6822
View 550 Chetco Ave. on a map